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Lean in Engineering

Two dimensions of Lean in Engineering
Lean in Engineering / Product Development deals primarily with information as the material to its processes
It goes beyond Lean in Manufacturing in so far as the product is not yet defined

Thus there are 2 dimensions to Lean in Engineering / Product Development:

1.Process dimension:
–mastering processes to meet the time, quality, and cost expectations of the markets
–making processes manageable and measurable
–providing as much space for knowledge and creativity to unfold as possible
2.Product dimension:
–finding the best solutions to a given problem
–changing less in detail phase

Generally, mastering the process dimension is the prerequisite for mastering the product dimension


Lean Development in Lean Six Sigma

The 13 Lean Development principles are:

  1. Establish customer value
  2. Front-load the Product Development process
  3. Levelled Product Development process flow
  4. Rigorous standardisation
  5. A Chief Engineer System to integrate development
  6. Balance functional and cross-functional expertise
  7. Towering technical competence in Engineers
  8. Integrate suppliers into the PD system
  9. Build in learning and continuous improvement
  10. Build a culture to support excellence and relentless improvement
  11. Adapt technology to fit your people and processes
  12. Align the organisation through visual communication,, ensuring problems are visible
  13. Enable organisational learning

Visual Management is key within Lean Six Sigma projects

The key to world class flexibility and high quality is the ability to understand at a glance what is going on in the workplace. Visual Management helps everyone in the workplace become involved in monitoring progress and customer service. Visual Management guarantees increases in efficiency, quality levels, productivity, and reductions in man hrs on the job. VM not only makes problems obvious, it provides a means to solve them The purpose of VM is to make everybody’s job easier VM uses all 5 senses to create a simpler, self regulating facility, resulting in increased Quality, productivity and morale.

Pursue Perfection through Standardisation;

Now that improvements have been made it is important that they become the new STANDARD and the team do not fall back into the old ways of working. It does not stifle creativity, it enhances it.


Lean Six Sigma TIM WOOD in engineering

Waste in Engineering Examples

Transportation:  Excessive data or information handoffs

Inventory: Requirements, specifications, documents waiting to be processed, test data waiting to be validated

Motion: Searching for information, or data, attending unnecessary, ineffective meetings

Waiting:  Inter-task variation, bottlenecks, failure of supplier to meet customer need dates

Over Production: Mass document releases, Preparing excessive reports, broadcast email of information

Over Processing: Gold plated designs (Including design features not required by customer, Re-inventing what has already been designed

Defects: Faulty, incomplete or inaccurate data, data translations


Lean started withThe Wright approach to product development

Wilbur and Orville Wright ran a bicycle repair shop in Dayton, Ohio USA but set to designing and building the first aeroplane  in their spare time working in their shed!

So how did two hobbyists manage to achieve what many well funded, full time, industry backed inventors had failed to achieve?

They collected the existing knowledge on what experiments and tests had already been carried out then studied the results.

They soon realised that many thousands of hours and dollars were being spent for very little time in the air – 5000 hours of design & build time for 5 seconds air time was typical.

They identified 3 critical knowledge areas:

  • construction of the sustaining wings
  •  generation and application of power
  • balancing and steering of the machine

Between 1900 and June  1903 the brothers:



•Lift and drag measurement techniques for kites and gliders
•A wind tunnel
•Balances for measuring lift, drag and drift


•Lift and drag calculations that others were using were incorrect
•Optimum wing shapes and ratios
•Optimum control surface areas
•Wing warping technology to control the plane in flight
•A highly efficient propeller
•A lightweight powerful engine
•The science of aeronautics

They conducted and meticulously recorded extensive experiments.

These often challenged and proved wrong the existing ‘knowledge’ and wisdom of the time.


Lean Tools and Technology in Lean Development

– Adapt technology to fit your People & Process; In some organisations it could be the opposite (Technology has to be mature first in accordance withTechnical Readiness Level process)

– Align organisation through simple visual communication More difficult for Engineering .

– Use powerful tools for standardization & organizational learning Lean organisation (reducing number of layers…)

at Toyota are the best exponents of Lean Development and since 1991 have identified 4 Critical Success Factors as follows:
  • Creating a strong vision to ensure that design engineers care about what the customer thinks of their future services and products
  • Limit the number of late design changes by striving for Perfect Drawings and Zero EC after production drawing release
  • Focus on precise and tightly scheduled industrialised drawing production to increase effectiveness
  • Focus on quality and cost of production itself to ensure build is with the cost bracket

Lean Product Development

People & Partners

– Chief Engineer Role in Development phase (misunderstood in Aerospace Industry)

§ Highly experienced in Product development, small team, clear technical authority over all internal & external Eng’s, Voice of the Customer, guardian of the specifications, not a Programme Manager.  Unity of leadership
§ Decide Product & trade off between design/ Manufacturing/ Suppliers & Customer Support/ ILS so that product fulfils all requirements
§ Identify & remove Development roadblocks internal & partners/suppliers
§ Dev. schedule, product recurring costs, product reliability & op costs,

– Balance functional expertise & Programme integration

§ Programme Plateau (early concept phase & integration tasks) or Functional Plateau
(Detail design phase, cross programme optimization & learning, standardization, product/process skills)
–  Develop towering technical competence
§ Proactive hiring, early experience in other functions: Manufacturing, Customer and  Support/
§ Link to HR (Expert network, competence Mgt, specific technology dev. skills,  process)

–  Suppliers/Partners integration into Product Development

–  Build in learning & Continuous Improvement

§ Companys’ culture are mainly based on history & diff. functions (customer value,

– Build a culture to support Excellence & Relentless Improvement


Lean Product Development Model

Lean Process principles

1 Focus on what the Customer Values Product (processes to assess Value vs Customer requirement, starting from clear definition of Customer requirements) Process (Plateau & Phases)

2 Front load Development & explore thoroughly alternative solutions (max. design space) Early Development phase (time allocation, budget allocation, expert teams {rotating}) Structure compliance with Quality gates don’t reopen previous decisions. Simulation more rigorous, modeling, verification of design robustness, design reviews {multi company & multi function}, trade off curves for design alternatives including risk & opportunity assessments

3 Leveled Product Development process flow VSM, 7 wastes, multi-programs resources (planning & Mgt integrated with scheduled milestones, top to bottom & across functional interdependences)

4 Rigorous standardization Design guidelines & standards Catalogues (standards owners) & supporting data, Experts network => transfer of knowledge, lessons learned => design standards… software modular components


Lean Production

Toyota is the most documented Lean Company, talking about Lean Production.


1991 – The machine that changed the world – This was the first time Toyota opened it’s doors to external consultants based on the TPS (Toyota Production System) developed by Womack and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “The 5 Steps to Lean” (specify value, identify the value stream, make the value flow, let the customer pull, pursue perfection) were defined in this book.

1996 – Lean Thinking (Womack and Jones) – Easier to read, still based on TPS (Manu) with Case Studies

1997 – Concurrent Engineering Effectiveness – Jeff Liker and based on some of Toyota’s Engineering Principles

2002 – Lean Enterprise Value  –

2004 – The Toyota Way – Jeff Liker – Business Philosophy and 14 Management Principles

2006 – The Toyota Product Development System – Jeff Liker – based on the product development system not manufacturing. The product development system is the key behind the TPS and this is the first book that explores Toyota’s PDS and this is their main competitive advantage. Easier to replicate the TPS than the PDS. 13 Principles broken down, easy to read and you can dip in and out of the book.

2007 – Toyota Talent –  Jeff Liker – How to develop engineers

2007 – The Lean Product Development Guidebook –



Lean Set Based Engineering

Detailed design  Variability in the process is reduced here through high levels of  standardisation of skills, processes and the designs themselves.  This helps eliminate waste and rework which allows greater  flexibility of capacity. Detailed standardisation also maximiseslearning and continuous improvement.

Prototype /Tools  Two sets of prototype tooling are usually produced, not to test solutions but to choose the different sub-systems and check their  integration. Engineering changes will not be accepted after this  phase. This is an intensive period for system design  manufacturing and quality engineers.

Set based engineering enables many different solutions for a design can be worked on and matured at one time.  As the development time increase and moves closer to the start of production unsuitable solutions are stopped but kept on file so potentially could be used for the next new product.  The main advantage of set based concurrent engineering is that if the design concept that is chosen fails to meet customer requirements it can be quickly replaced by a robust and mature alternative solution.

Conventional engineering usually starts with the generation of new concepts and ideas too, however the main difference is that the final solution is agreed at a very early stage of the development.  This could be before all the other component final designs are decided/understood.  Therefore, as the design stages mature if problems are found the solution may have to be reworked several times to ensure it still meets the customer requirements.  The major disadvantage of this process is that usually problems are not found until later in the development stages, sometimes as late as after the start of manufacturing.  Fixes problems that occur at this stage is much more expensive as you are now trying to change actual components instead of designs on paper.