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Six Sigma – Zusammenfassung Schwankungen zu reduzieren

Six Sigma Ziel ist, zu messen und “Prozessschwankung” zu reduzieren.

  • Sigma ist ein Maß der Schwankung, und Six Sigma ist eine auf Daten und Fakten basierende Methode zur Reduktion von Fehlern in Prozessen.
  • Wenn ein Prozess davon befreit wird, fehlerhafte Artikel zu erzeugen, vergrößert das seine Kapazität und/oder reduziert seine Durchsatz zeit.
  • An jedem Schritt im Prozess Rechtzeitig und in Qualität zu liefern, wird Kostenperformance außerordentlich unterstützen.

Die Lösungen zu einem neuen Standard entwickeln mit Lean Six Sigma

Wenn die Lösungsprinzipien feststehen, müssen sie noch ausgearbeitet werden der Beschreibung des Prozesses

  • Verbindlichkeit = Standard
  • Einarbeitung zukünftiger Mitarbeiter
  • Auditierbarkeit

Wer hat im neuen Standard welche Aufgaben und Verantwortungen?

Alle Betroffenen müssen informiert oder auch geschult werden

  • Kommunikationsplan (wer, wann, wie)
  • Umsetzungsplan (wer, wann, was)

Alle Verfahren und Vorschriften im Umfeld (siehe MEASURE Phase) müssen ggf. aktualisiert werden

An dieser Stelle würde auch die Spezifikation einer IT Lösung (Einführung/Änderung) einsetzen


Für den neuen Standard sind dieselben Fragen relevant, die auch in der MEASURE Phase die Grundlage gebildet haben:

  • Reihenfolge,
  • Dauer,
  • Inhalt und
  • Ergebnis

der einzelnen Aktivitäten, sowie des Anfangs und Endes des Prozesses


Folgende weitere Fragen sind relevant:

  • Wie wird festgestellt, ob der Prozess seine Zwecke und Ziele dauerhaft erfüllt?
  • Wie wird die weitere, kontinuierliche Verbesserung geregelt?

Bei der Entwicklung des neuen Standards muss das Team, das ihn praktizieren wird, maßgeblich eingebunden sein.


Black Belt training? Why is it different to previous improvement initiatives?

Black Belt training? Why is it different to previous improvement initiatives?

With in-company training one actually aligns process improvement to customer requirements and business objectives. It can be applied to service and business processes, not only for production processes.

With a Black Belt program in-house one establishes a standard language and problem solving methodology across different business functions.

The improvement goals are all bottom line focused and will provide the company  a significant return on investment, i.e.  improvement  of  On Time Delivery,  structural financial benefits through efficiency and cost savings, increased customer confidence.

Black Belt project manager must ensure team work, this includes the coaching and training of Green and Yellow Belts. A proper change management project should not take longer than 6 – 8 months. Black Belts are trained to make use of DMAIC.

An organisation can relatively easy grow improvement competences and culture on a massive scale through in-house training, the purpose of the qualification and coaching of Black Belts is to engage all of the people in this drive for continual process improvement.

Deploying one unified methodology, language and tool kit will support companies to promote integration and common ways of working with respect to performance improvement and to progressively reduce its  dependence on external consultants.


Six Sigma – Analysis: Landing planes

Example: Landing planes

One of the best ways I have seen the six sigma concepts introduced uses the example of landing planes.

Observing a pattern

Consider a run-way where planes are landing. If you would observe enough planes, you would see the following happening:

  1. The bulk of all planes land in the safe ‘green zone‘ away from the borders of the runway.
  2. Most planes actually do land closely to the middle of the runway (the mean), some of them a bit further away to the left or right from the middle, and only a few quite far away from the middle.

Plotting Results

If you would measure long enough the distance in centimeters from the exact middle where each plane touches the ground on the tarmac, you can see that the pattern observed in time forms a normal distribution. A pattern with a mean (the middle line) and a standard deviation (the extent to which planes land further away from the middle line.) This is called the Gaussian Bell Curve with on the vertical axis the number of planes landed and on the horizontal axis the number of centimeters from the middle.

Normal Distribution

All data is now subdivided in segments called standard deviations (sigma) both to the left and to the right of the mean. The bulk of the landings are within 1-sigma from the mean, in a normal distribution this is about 34% of landings to the right and 34% of landings to the left. Outside the 3-sigma borders we can find only a small remainder of landings representing 0.27% of all landings.

Failure Criteria

The actual width of the runway combined with the skills of the pilots determine a successful or failed landing. It is obvious that we will have more crashes on narrow runways and when dealing with inexperienced pilots. Now we have a choice. We can decide that we for example align the left 3-sigma border with the Lower Specification Limit (LSL), and the right 3-sigma border with the Upper Specification Limit (USL).

This is equivalent to accept only those pilots who have consistently proven to be able to land within the borders 99.73% of the time. Alternatively, we could make sure that the runway is wide enough to land planes safely 99.73% of the time. The question now is: is this really good enough?

In reality, the above measure corresponding to 3-sigma, simply means that we are prepared to let 2.7 planes, out of 1,000 planes crash. This is of course not acceptable and therefore, the so-called Six Sigma criterion has been established.

Six Sigma

By definition, Six Sigma means that only in 3.4 cases per million a crash may occur. Although statistically not completely correct (as 3.4 cases per million correspond to 4.5-sigma rather than to 6-sigma), this metric has been established as an acceptable measure for designing boundaries and optimizing processes.

Six Sigma is all about influencing the process or designing the boundaries in such a way that the variation can be controlled within given specifications.

If we have a runway that is 80 meters wide, we will have to train our pilots and trim our planes in such a way that only 3.4 out of 1.000.000 landings would slip or crash. We can turn this around of course, in our runway example, if we know that from 1 million landings, 3.4 of them will land outside 80 meter, we will design the runway 80 meters wide.

During our training events, we will focus on practical examples and implementations taking the business objectives as the starting point. These are the given boundaries, we need to measure and find ways to ensure the Six Sigma criterion can be met by the process that is target of the optimization project.


Kunden stehen auf Lean

Ja, dass stimmt; Die Ansprüche der Kunden auf prompte Lieferung, hohe Qualität und besten Preis werden weiter steigen. Um die Kosten niedrig und Erträge profitabel zu halten, darf erst dann produziert werden, wenn der genaue Bedarf gegeben oder zumindest höchstwahrscheinlich ist. Dann aber muss sofort geliefert werden, da Kunden ungeduldig sind.

Sofort mit hoher Qualität und geringen Kosten zu liefern gelingt aber nur, wenn die Abläufe und Operations so nahe wie möglich mit den Kunden verbunden sind. Und, hier sind ja auch kreative Lösungen möglich, wie die Integration der Kunden und deren Ideen in das Design; oder, Kunden können sich ihr eigenes Produkt konfigurieren.

Diese veralteten Praktiken müssen den modernen Ansätzen der Bedarfs-orientierten Produktion (Just-In-Time, JIT) weichen. Damit werden Investitionen in Produktion/Kapazitäten erst dann getätigt, wenn Kunden dies auch kaufen wollen – nicht auf Basis schöner Prognosen.  Denn: Produktion minus Verkauf = Schrott.

Ein Kernprinzip des Lean besteht im Respekt für alle Mitarbeiter, Lieferanten und Kunden. Wie zeigt sich dieser Respekt im Falle von schweren wirtschaftlichen Verwerfungen, die Kündigungen notwendig machen?

Das wegen bieten wir eine Lean Seminar für die Geschäftsführung (ca. ½  Tag)

Fachkundige und engagierte Führung ist für den Erfolg der Lean Initiative wesentlich. Ohne diese aktive Führung verläuft Lean Management im Sand, so wie andere gutgemeinte aber nicht diszipliniert umgesetzte Programme.


Lean Six Sigma – waste and optimization

Waste and Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma combines the knowledge of Six Sigma principles with reduction of so called waste. In many companies, people will explain you that there is a lot of ‘overhead’ in the process. People observe simply things being done that are duplication of work, that are superfluous or that are unnecessary. This is called waste.

By mapping out an existing IT or industrial process, it often becomes apparent that there are too many instances of this type of overhead.

Examples of waste

To mention a few examples, waste can be unnecessary transportation of goods or documents. If a document must be ‘checked’ or stamped by a manager before it can be released, the question can be asked if the process of creating and releasing a document should be revised. In many cases, the added value of the ‘Manager’ is negligible to the actual content of the document or process.

Storage of goods. If the process is not running smoothly, there is a constant need to keep things as reserve stock. Just-in-case instead of Just-in-Time one could say about this type of waste.

Keeping other people waiting is a huge waste of time for many. By aligning processes and information, this can be avoided.

Six Sigma approach

An important phase in the optimization according to Six Sigma principles occurs when investigating how processes can be optimized during the measurement and analysis phases. The so-called Process Mapping gives an initial overview of the ‘workflows’ and a first insight into the level of efficiency that has been applied. Where a lot of ‘parallel’ activities or ‘back-loops’ are visible that later all come together again in a single ‘node’, there is reason for concern. As it is unlikely that all tasks happening at the same time will end at the same time: result is in most cases a waiting time until all activities are finailzed.

Process mapping furthermore provides the foundation for:

  • Analysis of the performance w.r.t. requirements from Customer and Organization
  • Identification of bottlenecks
  • Simulation of improvements
  • Procedure standardization
  • Communication of roles and responsibilities