World Class OEE is generally accepted as >85%
The world class OEE performance of 85% is comprised of:
Availability = 90%
Performance = 95%
Quality = 99.9%
Research indicates that average OEE for manufacturing plants is 60%
How does your organisation compare against the ‘best in class’ performance?
Imagine what a 40% improvement in OEE (going from 60% to 85%) could do for your organisations competiveness and profitability!
Organisations are now factoring in how often the equipment is used throughout the year (24/7) – this is called the Loading. For example if the equipment is used for 40 hours in a week (168 hours) the loading is 40/168 = 23.8%
This can be factored into the relatively new KPI – Total Effective Equipment Performance (TEEP) metric as follows TEEP = Loading x OEE