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Error-proofing, or ‘Poka Yoke’ is a technique for eliminating errors.

‘Poka Yoke’ is a technique for eliminating errors, used by Black Belts for solution generation and preparing implementation;

such that it is …Impossible to make mistakes, …Inexpensive, …Very effective, …Based on simplicity and ingenuity.

“poka” means an inadvertent mistake, “yoke” means to prevent, it originates by mr. Shigeo Shingo (1909-1990) in Japan.

Error proofing is a very simple technique.

You should keep it in mind at all times, but particularly when you are designing the solution or the improvement

Ideally you should prevent all possibility of the problem occurring, elmination;

If you can’t do this, you should then try to

  • flag (identify quickly, every time the problem occurs),
  • facilitate (make it difficult to create the problem)
  • mitigate (reduce the effects when the problem does occur)

…in that order!


How to choose a good Lean Six Sigma project.

Selecting and defining an Improvement project:
3 key questions

Question 1 – What is the problem that needs to be fixed?

What must be improved? (not how to improve it). Clear focus on the issue that is to be changed (not the solution).

Question 2 – Why is it important?

Why are you going to spend time and effort to improve the situation? Clear focus on the importance of this project.

Question 3 – How will I know when I have succeeded?

What can I measure that will show me I have finished the project? This measure should be a measure of ‘quality’, ‘waste’, ‘on-time’, ‘Euros’ or ‘customer satisfaction’. Clear focus on the ‘measurable benefits’.

Defining the problem, is the first step to take…

Black Belt training? Why is it different to previous improvement initiatives?

Black Belt training? Why is it different to previous improvement initiatives?

With in-company training one actually aligns process improvement to customer requirements and business objectives. It can be applied to service and business processes, not only for production processes.

With a Black Belt program in-house one establishes a standard language and problem solving methodology across different business functions.

The improvement goals are all bottom line focused and will provide the company  a significant return on investment, i.e.  improvement  of  On Time Delivery,  structural financial benefits through efficiency and cost savings, increased customer confidence.

Black Belt project manager must ensure team work, this includes the coaching and training of Green and Yellow Belts. A proper change management project should not take longer than 6 – 8 months. Black Belts are trained to make use of DMAIC.

An organisation can relatively easy grow improvement competences and culture on a massive scale through in-house training, the purpose of the qualification and coaching of Black Belts is to engage all of the people in this drive for continual process improvement.

Deploying one unified methodology, language and tool kit will support companies to promote integration and common ways of working with respect to performance improvement and to progressively reduce its  dependence on external consultants.


Why does productivity matter?

Productivity growth plays an active role in offsetting inflationary pressure and as well as long tern economic growth. This is achieved through greater resource allocation and human resource efficiency, effectiveness and engagement; increased innovation and technology diffusion and capital investment.

Productivity is an essential component to the success and health of every company in Europe and the overall standard of living.


Lean Six Sigma , labour and productivity

What is the difference between labour and multifactor productivity?

Labour productivity is measured as real output per hour worked. Multifactor productivity, a broader measure of efficiency, is measured as real output per unit of combined inputs (capital, labour, etc). In essence, this is the efficiency of all or your factors of production.

Progress in productivity constitutes a significant source of increased standard of living. In the long run, increases in real hourly earnings are tied to productivity gains. The European economy has been able to produce more goods and services over time, not by requiring a proportional increase of resources such as labour, but by making production more efficient. The overall performance of any company, operating in any industry, is comprised of at least seven key criteria:

  • effectiveness
  • efficiency
  • innovation
  • productivity
  • profitability
  • quality
  • quality of work life