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What is Lean IT?

Lean IT is the extension of lean production and lean office principles to the development and management of info tech (IT) products and services. Its central concern, applied in the context of IT, is the elimination of waste, where waste is work that adds no value to a product or service.

Although lean principles are generally well established and have broad applicability, their extension from manufacturing to IT is only just emerging.Indeed, Lean IT poses significant challenges for practitioners while raising the promise of no less significant benefits. And whereas Lean IT initiatives can be limited in scope and deliver results quickly, implementing Lean IT is a continuing and long-term process that may take years before lean principles become intrinsic to an company’s culture.



Starting from 20th March '12; monthly PMP certification training in Hamburg.

Starting from 20th March; monthly PMP certification training in Hamburg.

Obtaining PMP certification means that you have taken the necessary steps to prove that you are an expert at managing projects.

All-in price of € 2.150 excl. VAT

  • 3 days-Module 1:  focuses on all the vital components of a professional management.
  • + 2 days- Module 2 : focuses on the Exam Simulation (4 hrs) and the preparation for the test.

PMP training helps you prepare for a more lucrative career. This exam is required for individuals to earn Project Management Professional certification (or PMP certification). To be permitted to even take the exam, you must apply to the Project Management Institute. The application requires a detailed listing that shows the applicant has completed all prerequisites, including thousands of hours of project management experience. Even when you have been managing projects for decades you can benefit from enrolling in the PMP training, before taking the exam at PMI.



Translating Customer Needs into Key Process Measures

Listening to the Voice of the Customer.

Do we really know the answer to these questions?

  1. How does the customer view my process?
  2. When it starts for them?
  3. When it is finished?
  4. What is the customer looking for when measuring the performance of my process ?
  5. How well does my process meet the customer’s expectation of what constitutes value ‘in their eyes’?

We must first understand who the Customer actually is.  We should then define how to listen to the Customer when he is expressing his opinions about the quality of our products or services.  There may already be an established process within your business to extract this valuable information on an ongoing basis (Market Research), however, it may also be the case that the business does not capture such information in a coherent and usable format.  This is often the case with internal customers.  Therefore, specific techniques and deeper analysis is required to understand what the customers requirements for the process output actually are.


When the analysis is done; the scope and nature of your activity changes

Shift from analysis and decision making to action, but the implementation is still a time for learning and improvement

  • Increase in task complexity
  • And a decrease in your control over the tasks

Greater numbers of people:

  • All those directly involved in the solution
  • All those indirectly involved in its impact

Review of team make-up may be useful and you will definitely need to re-plan (see Project Management). Resources (time, money, equipment, commitment) even more critical

All of this is about transferring responsibility from the improvement team to the process team (the people who run the process). This transfer must be explicitly clear.

  • Ensure that the organisation knows what is happening, when and how
  • Be clear whether it is a Big Bang, in Phases or ‘drip feeds’
  • Dealing with key people issues
  •  Managing ambiguity
  •  Managing personal exposure
  •  Dealing with the ‘survivors’
  • If you are doing a phased roll-out, must manage parallel operations
  • You must ensure that the customer will not feel the impact of your internal transitions
  • Building on wins, minimising losses and learning from “incomplete successes”

The basic tools that we use as Black Belt project managers are;

  • Project Plan
  • Process Map
  • RACI matrix
  • Skills Matrix
  • Dash Board (1 single sheet mgt report)



Die Lösungen zu einem neuen Standard entwickeln mit Lean Six Sigma

Wenn die Lösungsprinzipien feststehen, müssen sie noch ausgearbeitet werden der Beschreibung des Prozesses

  • Verbindlichkeit = Standard
  • Einarbeitung zukünftiger Mitarbeiter
  • Auditierbarkeit

Wer hat im neuen Standard welche Aufgaben und Verantwortungen?

Alle Betroffenen müssen informiert oder auch geschult werden

  • Kommunikationsplan (wer, wann, wie)
  • Umsetzungsplan (wer, wann, was)

Alle Verfahren und Vorschriften im Umfeld (siehe MEASURE Phase) müssen ggf. aktualisiert werden

An dieser Stelle würde auch die Spezifikation einer IT Lösung (Einführung/Änderung) einsetzen


Für den neuen Standard sind dieselben Fragen relevant, die auch in der MEASURE Phase die Grundlage gebildet haben:

  • Reihenfolge,
  • Dauer,
  • Inhalt und
  • Ergebnis

der einzelnen Aktivitäten, sowie des Anfangs und Endes des Prozesses


Folgende weitere Fragen sind relevant:

  • Wie wird festgestellt, ob der Prozess seine Zwecke und Ziele dauerhaft erfüllt?
  • Wie wird die weitere, kontinuierliche Verbesserung geregelt?

Bei der Entwicklung des neuen Standards muss das Team, das ihn praktizieren wird, maßgeblich eingebunden sein.


Lean Six Sigma in Veränderungsprozessen

In Veränderungsprozessen wird Führungskräften viel abverlangt. Altes soll nicht mehr gelten, Neues klappt noch nicht, Niemandsland. Wer hier Organisationen begleiten kann oder muss, braucht professionelles Wissen über den Ablauf von Veränderungsprozessen, Strategien und Instrumentarien für die gezielte Planung und Umsetzung.  Unsere kompetenten Trainer vermitteln Ihnen in diesem Green Belt and Black belt Seminar das notwendige Wissen, um diesen Herausforderungen zielsicher zu begegnen.