Ik wil jullie bedanken voor de inzet en support tijdens de Green Belt en Black belt trainingen (Operational Excellence) binnen onze organisatie.
Vanaf de start hebben jullie een aanpak gehad die duidelijk praktijkgericht was.
Onze mensen hebben zich op hun gemak gevoeld, door jullie gesteund en zijn vol enthousiasme begonnen aan hun projecten. Het op een gestructureerde wijze aanpakken en verankeren van verbeteringen heeft onze organisatie een duidelijke duw gegeven in de goede richting.
Hierdoor zijn we in staat meer te produceren, met een optimale kwaliteit binnen de gevraagde levertijd. De kostenbesparingen binnen ons bedrijf zijn aanzienlijk en geven ons in de toekomst verdere mogelijkheden om nieuwe verbeterprojecten door te voeren.Geert Smits
Managing DirectorMifa Aluminium b.v.
Archive | General
Lots of new ideas and great presentation techniques
Thanks so much, Rene … it was a splendid course. I actually looked forward to everyday though it may not have seemed like it. I didn’t write this down, but one of the things I enjoyed about it was how the tasks and exercises which looked daunting and difficult at the beginning all started to make sense once we worked as a team and pooled ideas or suggestions together. I can’t wait to take on a project so I don’t lose a lot of what we have learned.
I’m an Helicopter Instructor as well but I will be adopting a lot of your presentation techniques and ideas to my approach to teaching if you don’t mind.
I look forward to working with you again soon “Sensei”. Take care and thanks once more for a week of good learning and fun.
Adevokhai U., Training Captain S76/S92, Bristow, Nigeria Operations, General Aviation Area
Murutala Mohammed Airport
Ikeja, Lagos
An unforgettable experience on a Ferrari racing circuit!
The PEEC team organised a “Red Belt” event in Pavia in collaboration with Merzario Academy where we all enjoyed an unforgettable experience driving on a Ferrari racing circuit. Every participant sat in a Ferrari driver’s seat and was able to demonstrate his/her driving skills with the help of an experienced champion (Arturo Merzario and his team of professional race car drivers). We were all rewarded with a “Red Belt Certificate” and, of course, had lots of fun!
a fantastic week of educational training
Hi Rene and the rest of the Green Belt collective,
I just wanted to thank you all for a fantastic week of educational training.
You all made the training both fun and informative. I might have just scraped through but I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you guys…thanks for your support.
Have a fantastic Christmas and wonderful New Year.
All the very best,
PS, Watch out for those Monkeys!!!!
Doug Calderwood Cert Ed. MIfL
Regional Manager
Developing Performance Partnership Ltd (Trading as Develop-u) | Rotherham
through the Black Belt with success!!
After another 10 Hot Meals (and they where tough to get through), deeper studies in the Lean & Six Sigma Methodology, a few new tools and lot of practical exercise of the knowlage in a case study (with late night work). I’m proud to let you know that both Ole and I manage to take us through the Black Belt with success!!
A lot of thanks to Karen and Jörn (Jürg, Steve, Björn….and all the other names we put on you! ) for the time you invested in us to take us through the material.
I’m pleased to have had the oppertunity to meet you all and to get to know you. Would be delighted to hear from you in your future adventures, and perhaps we meet again!
Daniel Harvig
PS. Ole, a short version with less English words. 10 Hot Meals more! Hard work! Passed the Exam! Se you some day!
Black Belt Bootcamp in Helsingborg
I contribute here Daniel and for my own part, I can not describe how happy I am to achieve my BB certificate. The whole course has been a real learning experience for me and I can highly recommend both Jac and Ulf giving yourself the opportunity to get BB. It’s like Daniel describes it that it was really good to try theories of through a case study that BB was about, but also extra good tools to come up with a good solution to the case.
By now I’ve come home I will closer look at all theories again and have them translated into human language (I mean Danish – sorry for saying this) but then I get all the details and do not miss anything at all.
Finally, I would say that I had not done this course without all your extreme friendly way of being and your great patience with me. You have been my friends for life. Special thanks to Karen for the good teaching in GB who founded that I could go to BB.
For Daniel and Jörn (Steve – Chris & …) is thanks a poor words “You did a great effort for me at BB”. I’m so happy.
And just one more time about hot meals J After having gone through both course and have learned more analysis on BB, I figured out that with included the warm eggs in the morning also it has been for 30 hot meals over 10 days converted to weight is approx. 5 kg. So now I have to jogging on country road. And was it the VOC ??? J
To you all I would say that you at any time feel free to visit me where I live.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and I hope we meet again in one time or another in our lives.
Best regards
Ole Christensen
I learn a lot during these days.
Thanks you very much for the training and be sure that I’ll not hesitate for the Black Belt!
Thanks again for the quality of your presentation; I learn a lot during these days.
Vincent Sanciaume
Executive Assistant Finance & Control
a brilliant mix of Theory, Praxis
thank you for the very good training – I have enjoyed the training session very much as it was a brilliant mix of Theory, Praxis, interesting Videos and exchange within the training community.
I hope I will get the opportunity to become a Black Belt soon.
Head of Supply Management Structure & General Systems TORNADO
CASSIDIAN Customer Support – Material Services – Germany
It was really a great training!
Many thanks!
It was really a great training!
I’m glad I can follow more.
Gert Kerkhofs – TQM Manager
ISS , Nieuwe weg 1-3zk
Lean Six Sigma training to start in Dubai this October!
this October PEEC is starting a new series of Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt training in the Knowledge Village of Dubia. all prices are all-inclusive, meaning training-accomodation-food/beverage-airport transfer.
check our sessions calendar.