- §Reduzierte Durchlaufzeit
- §Beseitigt Überproduktion (die Mutter aller Verschwendungen)
- §Reduziert Lagerbestand
- §Identifiziert Defekte frühzeitig innerhalb des Prozesses
- §Flexibel, um geänderte Kundenanforderungen schnell umzusetzen
Lean Six Sigma Why Learn Hypothesis Testing?
To identify sources of variability using historical or current data:
- Passive: a process is sampled or historic sample data is obtained
- Active: a modification is made to a process and then sample data is obtained
Provides objective solutions to questions which are traditionally answered subjectively
Works for differences in means, or Variances (Standard Deviations), or proportions
Lean Six Sigma Vorteile von Error Proofing
Höhere Qualitätsproduktionen
Besseres Arbeitsumfeld
Lean Six Sigma and Waste
§Lean operations display the following characteristics:
üThe elimination of non-value adding activity – waste
üOnly producing what is required, when it’s required
üClose links in the value chain including supply chain input (JIT)
üDoing things right first time
üEnsuring processes are robust
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Lean Six Sigma and Value Stream Mapping
new KPI TEEP in Lean Six Sigma
World Class OEE is generally accepted as >85%
The world class OEE performance of 85% is comprised of:
Availability = 90%
Performance = 95%
Quality = 99.9%
Research indicates that average OEE for manufacturing plants is 60%
How does your organisation compare against the ‘best in class’ performance?
Imagine what a 40% improvement in OEE (going from 60% to 85%) could do for your organisations competiveness and profitability!
Organisations are now factoring in how often the equipment is used throughout the year (24/7) – this is called the Loading. For example if the equipment is used for 40 hours in a week (168 hours) the loading is 40/168 = 23.8%
This can be factored into the relatively new KPI – Total Effective Equipment Performance (TEEP) metric as follows TEEP = Loading x OEE
Lean Six Sigma
- The Six Sigma objective is to measure and reduce “Process Variation”
- Sigma is a measure of variation and ‘six sigma’ means a near ‘defect free’ process, On-Quality
- When a process is freed from producing defective items this increases its capacity and/or reduces its Throughput Time
- Delivering at every step in the process On-Time and On-Quality will greatly support On-Cost performance
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Programm
Lean Six Sigma Ishikawa
Als Hauptursachen gelten nach Ishikawa die 4-Ms: der Mensch, die Maschine, das Material oder die Methode. Man fragt also z.B. mit der 5W-Methode, warum der Mensch für das Problem verantwortlich sein könnte. Gefundene Antworten werden als kleinere Äste an der Gräte abgetragen.